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tv   Today  NBC  October 1, 2019 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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good morning. digging in, president trump steps up his attacks on the whistleblower at the center of the impeachment investigation. >> we're going to find out about a whistle-blower >> while members of his inner circle face new subpoes d w questions about their involvement. we're live at e whe house with the very latest fbsting. a california man charged with spying for china, this morning, the elaborate undercover operation that led to his arrest and the government secrets he thought he had stolen. october scorcher, a rare fall heat wave gripping much of the eastern united states, more than 200 records could be broken this week. so hot some schools are closing.
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al's forecast just ahead. those stories, plus verdict watch, the face of a former dallas police officer accused of murdering her neighbor in his apartment, now in the hands of the jury breaking overnight, the terrifying moment a massive bridge suddenly collapses on to boats below. and pink power today, we are kicking off breast cancer awareness month with a special live event on the plaza as we join the fight with a group of inspirational survivors, today, 2019 tuesday, october 1st, 2019 from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. hey, everybody, welcome to "today." thank you for joining us this tuesday morning. oh, my gosh, we're both wearing pink. >> i know. >> it must mean one thing, it is breast cancer awareness month. >> we want to be on the same team as all these breast cancer survivors, many of which are on r plaza right now. we're going to have a really
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inspirational morning with them, and we are literally going to give breast cancer a punch a little bit later first let's get to the news, a lot has happened overnight that could affect the course of the impeachment investigation as president trump says he's trying to find out more about the whistle-blower rudy giuliani, the president's personal lawyer has been subpoenaed by the house intelligence committee he says he's deciding whether he'll cooperate with that. we have learned that secretary of state mike pompeo was on the phone call with ukraine's leader that set off this chain of events. and a new quinnipiac poll finds the nation split right down the middle on impeachment, 47 to 47 that is a 10 point jump for impeachment from a week ago. we're going to walk you through all of it. we'll start with nbc white house correspondent peter alexander, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, the president's aides and allies have expressed concerns the white house needs to come up with a clearer strategy to combat this impeachment inquiry but one thing remains consistent, the president
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escalating his campaign against that whistle-blower, the anonymous intelligence official at the heart of it all president trump in the oval office ramping up his attacks on the whistle-blower revealing that his administration is working to learn more about the unnamed cia employee >> we're trying to find out about a whistle-blower we have a whistle-blower that reports things that are incorrect. >> reporter: the whistle-blower's lawyer responding, arguing that his client is entitled to anonymity. adding the individual is not to be retaliated against. doing so is a violation of federal law. the president for days unleashing a barrage of tweets in one post writing like every american i deserve to meet my accuser. the whistle-blower's lawye already expressing serious concerns about his client's personal safety noting that certain individuals have issued a $50,000 bounty for any information relating to the whistle-blower's identity. poin to thpresident's recent comments to u.s. diplomats caught on camera
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>> you know what we used to do in the old days when we were smart, right, with spies and treasoners, right, we used to handle it a little differently than we do now. >> reporter: overnight, the intelligence community inspector general pushing back against a false claim by the president and his allies that the rules were recently changed enabling a whistle-blower to come forward with anything other than firsthand information, saying in a rare rebuke that the law did not change, while adding that the whistle-blower possessed both firsthand and other information. a key trump backer demanding house democrats avoid any rush to judgment. >> nothing is more serious than nullifying an election, and that's what we're talking about, this is nullifying a presidential election. >> reporter: still, the senate's top republican, mitch mcconnell admitting the senate would have to hold an impeachment hearing if the house votes to charge the president. >> i would have no choice but to take it up >> meanwhile, pete we're hearing another former white house official reportedly was
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against the president making that call for the ukraine leader john bolton who was just ousted as national security adviser a couple of weeks ago, what he's saying now. >> reporter: you're right. three officials tell nbc news that the former national security adviser john bolton tried to dissuade president trump from calling ukraine's president in july, worried that president trump was not coordinating with his adviser about what to say, and might air personal grievances. those officials declined to say whether that included concerns that the president might raise questions about joe biden. another big part of the impeachment story, what did some of the president's top aides know chief white house correspondent hallie jackson is on that angle this morning hallie, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, the focus is on three people close to the president, including his personal attorney who's now firing back at house democrats overnight, rudy giuliani telling nbc news he has not decided whether to comply with the
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subpoena from house democrats demanding documents from him the president's personal lawyer citing questions of legitimacy and attorney/client privilege and noncommittal about whether he'll testify if asked. >> oh, i don't know, i'm weighing the alternatives. i'll kind of like go through it, get all my evidence together, get my charts. i don't know if they let me use video tapes and tape recordings that i have. >> reporter: giuliani under a microscope for his back channel contacts with ukrainian officials and the investigation he's been pushing into joe biden's son, hunter, and his business activities there, despite no evidence of wrongdoing by the former vice president. giuliani has mentioned 30 times in that whistle-blower complaint. another presidential confidant also ithe is morning, secretary of state mike mpeo he was on that controversial call cited in the whistle-blower complaint in which president trump brought up the bidens with the leader of ukraine. that's according to a senior state department official as first reported by the "wall street journal."
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just last week, pompeo was asked what he knew about those conversations, delivering this careful response. >> oh, you just gave me a report about a whistle-blower complaint, none of which i've seen >> reporter: pompeo overseas this morning has until friday to hand over documents to house democrats related to that ukraine call and then there's attorney general bill barr who's leading a justice department push looking into the origins of the mueller investigation. as part of that effort, nbc news has learned that barr requested president trump ask the prime minister of australia for help njtd inquiry, according to a justice department official. the white house framing it as routine, a spokesperson saying the doj simply requested that the president provide introductions to facilitate that ongoing inquiry, and he did so that's all. >> you just talked about australia, did the attorney general meet with or have any other discussions with other countries in the course of this investigation into the origins
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of the russia investigation? >> reporter: he apparently has held some private meetings overseas, making overtures to british intelligence officials, italian senior government officials, that's according to "the washington post" citing people familiar with the matter. but barr is getting some back up this morning from one of the president's closest allies, senator lindsey graham who says if the attorney general hadn't been holding these meetings and interactions, he wouldn't be doing his job. savannah. >> hallie jackson at the white house. thank you very much. craig joins the table with breaking news overnight. >> savannah, hoda, good morning to you violent protests in hong kong again today overshadowing celebrations in mainland china streets turned into battlefields as police fired multiple rounds of tear gas to try and disperse the crowds there protesters chanting anti-china slogans, hurling gas bombs, bricks, other objects all at police there meanwhile, in beijing, china celebrating its national day with a huge military parade and other festivities.
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china using the occasion to show off its new missile technology. another story getting a lot of attention a tour guide in california accused of leading a secret life as a chinese spy this morning, he is in custody following an elaborate sting operation and we're learning more about the case against him. nbc's joe fryer has details on this one joe, good morning. >> reporter: the sting operation goes back as far as 2015 now federal prosecutors have charged a california man with acting as an illegal foreign agent. authorities even released video which they say reveals a scheme to steal american intelligence from inside the country using a potent combination of modern technology and age-old spy crt. in this georgia hotel room, the fbi says a spy working for china was caught red handed. the video captured by hidden cameras is part of an fbi sting operation. the target, 56-year-old edward peng, a naturalized u.s. citizen believed to be working for
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china's spy agency in a newly released criminal complaint, details of the three-year-long sting read like a spy novel. the fbi reveals it used a double agent in the secret operation to take part in multiple de in locations across the country with the double agent meeting peng in hotel rooms in georgia and california six times between 2015 and 2018. peng is accused of paying the double agent thousands of dollars in cash for classified u.s. national security information all stored on sd cards. in this video released by the fbi, peng can be seen taping a white envelope containing $20,000 inside a drawer in his hotel room. >> the double agent would retrieve the cash and tape the sd card to the same place where the money had been left. >> reporter: thethorities say peng returned to the room to pick up the memory card, loaded with harmless american secrets carefully curated by the government.
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two days later the fbi believes peng got on a plane with the sd card and traveled to beijing, where he would meet with chinese intelligence officers. >> the chinese are the number one intelligence threat to the united states right now. >> reporter: the fbi raided peng's california home on friday. he has now been charged with acting as an illegal foreign agent as this covert undercover spy operation lands the american citizen behind bars. edward peng has been living here in california, working as a tour guide in the san francisco area. if convicted he could face up to ten years in prison. the chinese government and peng's attorney have not returned our request for comment. back to you guys. >> joe fryer in l.a., thank you. these scorching temperatures threatening to smash records across the u.s. how hot is it going to get. al with a check of the forecast. i can't believe it's october. we're talking about 90s. >> i know, guys, it is really hot. we've got above average temperatures coast to coast, and the month we just finished, for september, 31 cities saw their warmest september on record.
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we have this big dome of high pressure pushing the jetstream way up to the north. back to the west, we've got much cooler than average temperatures but for the next three days, there's a possibility of 200 plus records being set. look at these cities that all could see expected high records, also within 3 degrees of a record happening. cleveland, 92 degrees. that's 25 degrees above average. birmingham, 96, d.c., 84, little rock, 95 degrees. as we move into tomorrow, new york city is going to be flirting with 90 degrees. 18 degrees above average. 98 in louisville, jacksonville 89 degrees. however, we're going to see this come crashing to an end as this frontal system pushes through. by thursday in new york city after 88 to 90-degree high, it will be 64. by saturday, raleigh down to 77. 59 in detroit on friday. 50s back through minneapolis, even cooler in cincinnati on friday with a temperature of 69 degrees. so one day to wear the bermuda shorts tomorrow, and then break
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out the sweaters, guys. meanwhile, jury deliberations resume at the murder trial of a former dallas police officer charged with shooting her neighbor in his own apartment. nbc's gabe gutierrez is at the courthouse for us. gabe, good morning. >> reporter: craig, this jury of eight women and four men has just resumed deliberations here in this this courthouse. there has been no shortage of drama. the defense says it was a mistake. the prosecution calls it murder. this morning, the jury in amber guyger's murder trial is entering its second day of deliberations as the family of botham jean waits anxiously. sunday would have been his 28th birthday. >> now this jury will make a determination whether or not his life mattered. >> i pulled my gun out and i yelled at him. >> reporter: in dramatic testimony on friday, guyger, a former dallas police officer broke down on the stand.
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she described how she mistook jean for a burglar left september and shot and killed him. turns out she had accidentally gone into his unlocked apartment on the wrong floor. >> i wish he was the one with the gun that killed me. i never wanted to take an innocent person's life. >> reporter: during closing arguments on monday, guyger's defense team said she feared for her life and the shooting was a mistake and not a murder. >> it's one of those cases no one would think would exist and it's one of those cases where there are no winners. a wonderful human being has lost his life, but the evidence shows it's just a tragedy. >> reporter: her attorneys brought up the so called castle doctrine, texas's version of the stand your ground defense, which allows someone to use deadly force against an intruder in their own home. prosecutors called that absurd. >> i mean, my god, this is crazy. it was unreasonable. she should have known she was in the apartment, in the wrong apartment. >> reporter: prosecutors
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hammered home the point that guyger missed crucial signs she was on the wrong floor, including this bright red door mat outside of jean's apartment, and they suggested guyger may have been distracted by sexually explicit text messages with her police partner earlier that night. >> whether or not you want to accept responsibility, it's going to be forced upon you. >> reporter: if the jury does not convict her of murder, she could be found guilty of the lesser charge of manslaughter, but the verdict must be unanimous, craig. >> gabe gutierrez in dallas. thank you. now to some pretty incredible video from chicago's o'hare airport, a catering truck packed with beverages spinning out of control on the tarmac you can see a lot of airport workers are surrounding it they don't know how to stop the thing. it went on for a while just as the truck gets dangerously close to hitting the plane, a hero comes forward to save the day >> look at that. >> that's how you do it. >> yeah, all right just like that, the chaos was over turns out a case of water fell
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on the gas pedal that's what caused the truck to keep spinning and spinning thankfully nobody was hurt >> free snacks for everyone. wow. >> were the flying peanuts al's got the rest of the forecast hello. >> tom in our control room has been mesmerized. really, run it again slow it down, and put chariots of fire on it. fantastic. all right, let's show you what's happening as far as the rest of the country is concerned record highs throughout the southeast into the mid-atlantic states. flood watches firing up down through the south into the northern parts of the mississippi river valley we're going to look at that in detail coming up in the next half hour, and sunshine out west we're going to get to your local forecast coming up in the next 30 seconds
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good tuesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. a live look in san francisco, it's a clear but also chilly start to the day. we're feeling that cool air across the bay area, and today we're headed up into the low to mid-70s for the inland bay as well. we'll see our livermore temperature reaching 74 degrees. 75 in napa. oakland reaching 69 degrees. going through the rest of the forecast, it's about to warm up and by the weekend our inland valleys will have some hot weather reaching the upper 80s by this weekend. weather. oh, yes! >> there you go, al, for you and for pete >> they love it so much. they're like cats with yarn. our producers.
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>> coming up on a tuesday morning, one state's controversial new law allowing college athletes to be paid. what superstars like lebron james are saying about it, and why other states, why they're really against it. plus, fans, foul balls and fear, what our exclusive new investigation has uncovered about injuries at major league ballparks. but first, this is "today" on nbc
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still ahead, we are taking the fight to breast cancer with a special event, some remarkable survivors are live on our plaza. also rami malek will be here. and some improv with lin manuel miranda and his costars ag the fight to breast cancer with a special event, some remarkable survivors are live on our plaza. also rami malek will be here. with
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good morning. 7:26. i'm marcus washington. could a second b.a.r.t. crossing across the bay be coming? b.a.r.t. executives are floating the idea to the "east bay times" calling it the bay area's most important transportation project in the coming decades. the question many people have is how to pay for it. the map shows here we want to show you the second crossing might go in relation to the red line where the trans bay tube sits. the green line may include a rail crossing for caltrain, ace and capitol corridor. b.a.r.t.'s talking about a possible ballot measure next fall to raise $100 billion over several deindicates. right now let's look at that morning forecast for you.
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>> it is cold outside. we're starting out with clear skies, a live look in san jose, with some upper 40s as you head out the door, but it will be a nice day as we reach 72 degrees for our high temperature today. 75 will be the high in antioch, with oakland reaching 69. 66 in san francisco, and 76 today in ukiah. for our inland forecast, we will be heating up over the next few days, in fact by the end of the week we're in the lower 80s. the weekend expected to reach into the upper 80s and for san francisco, we're reaching 63 today, but we have some mid-70s by this weekend. let's head over to mike for an update on the commute. >> looking toward walnut creek over on the right side, still slow south 680 off 242. we had a slow drive since early in morning an earlier crash but no lanes are blocked. here we have at least one lane blocked what it looks like south 101 continues to drag as you approach third through san mateo down toward holly and redwood city, a slow drive and clearing
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palo alto, menlo park. northbound 87 and 85 where they split it's the worst. back to you. we'll have another local update coming up in 30 minutes. welcome to the carnival 30 minute tour. hey, shaq. it's a 30 second tour. no man it's like... now it's 26. welcome aboard. ocean! skyride. mini golf. relax! relax! relax! you take this man to be your husband? i do. married.
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no time for basketball. pool. carnival. choose fun. hey. ♪hey. you must be steven's phone. now you can take control of your home wifi
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and get a notification the instant someone new joins your network... only with xfinity xfi. download the xfi app today. ♪ october, 2019, that means we're ready to celebrate pink power on the plaza. we're kicking off breast cancer awareness month in a really awesome way. >> ladies who are out on the plaza, i have the good fortune of saying hello. you are going to meet the survivors. they are an inspiration. they're boxing to punch out cancer it gives them this inner strength, they feel empowered and strong we can't wait for you guys to meet them. they are on fire check them out. >> i saw a few of them a few minutes ago warming up they can box they can box. >> i love it it feels good to take back your narrative and show who's boss. we're going to get out there and
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do that in a bit. let's get the latest on the big stories we're following, the president stepping up his attacks on the whistle-blower at the center of the impeachment investigation. yesterday revealing that his administration is working to learn more about that unnamed cia employee. >> we're trying to find out about a whistle-blower we have a whistle-blower that reports things that were incorrect. >> the whistle-blower's lawyer is responding now, arguing that his client is entitled to anonymity. meanwhile, rudy giuliani, the president's personal lawyer has now been subpoenaed by the house intelligence committee he says he is deciding whether he'll cooperate. a towering arch bridge in taiwan collapsed this morning sending an oil tanker truck falling onto the boats and water below. check it out, you can see the deck of the bridge, it kind of starts to buckle and then the entire structure just collapses right into the bay the tanker truck smashed three boats that were docked underneath officials say at least ten people were hurt, and they don't know what caused that bridge to fail.
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to california, the governor has signed a new law that will allow college athletes to be paid to play earning money while in school for the use of their name, image and likeness nbc national correspondent miguel almaguer is following this. miguel, good morning. >> reporter: craig, good morning. this was a bold step for california, now the first state in the nation allowing college athletes to get paid while playing sports those college players could take on endorsement deals and sign with an agent. what's unclear is how the system will work and what does it mean for other states this morning a game changer in california starting in 2023, college athletes at every university in the state, including usc, ucla, cal and stanford, can get paid to play. hoping to even the playing field, california's governor signed the fair pay to play act during an episode of the shock, a show produced by lebron james. >> this is the number one reason
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why we have created this platform, to be able to have moments like this. >> it's going to initiate dozens of other states to introduce similar legislation, and it's going to change college sports for the better >> reporter: the fair pay to play act allows all college compensation for the use of their name, image and likeness out of high school, prospects could sign with agents and even cash in on endorsement deals. >> i think there's athletes that are driving, you know, incredible value for those institutions and frankly, they should be fairly compensated. >> with california's governor noting nationwide colleges and universities make 14 billion each year from athletics, the bill faced controversy the ncaa says changes are needed but warns this new law already is creating confusion for current and future student athletes among the still unanswered questions, how much will they get paid does the law create unfair recruiting advantages.
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former quarterback tim tebow on espn. >> it changes what's special about college football now we're changing it from us, to we, to our university to them it's not about us, we, it's just about me. >> with several states like florida, colorado and new york moving forward with similar legislation, this morning, california is ahead of the game, and for now in a league of its own. >> so miguel, walk us through why the ncaa and colleges and universities around the country, why they are so opposed to this idea >> reporter: the ncaa is adamant college players shouldn't be paid they threatened to eliminate california schools from national championships and also that high school students deciding what college to go to, the choice would be unfair for them they would simply go to california because they would be paid money, as opposed to a different state where they wouldn't be paid
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>> miguel almaguer in l.a. you got to wonder what it would mean obviously for other states, if you're a high school athlete, blue chip athlete, seems like you would probably be more inclined to go to school in california than another school. >> now more and more states are following california's lead. if every state had that rule, that objection would go away. >> and what about players who play, you know, nonmajor sports, like if you play lacrosse or you swim, are you going to be able to make money off your image and likeness. >> i guess if you're a huge superstar, a company that wants to pay you it's kind of like welcome to life i don't know >> it's a story that's going to continue. >> we're all in pink for a very good reason. >> indeed we are. >> we're going to head out to the plaza, look at these women, they all share one thing in common, not just breast cancer survivors, they are fighters, got the boxing gloves on, they are taking their lives back. you are going to feel good after you meet these ladies. >> so excited for that. and eddie murphy revealing why he's finally ready to return
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to snl for the first time in 35 years. >> cannot wait for that. first, though, nbc news investigates fan safety at major league baseball games. we crunched the numbers to find out just how often people are being hit by those balls that fly into the stands. the startling results right after this you can get a satisfaction guarantee. ♪ you can also wonder why our competitors don't offer that. schwab, a modern approach to wealth management. for powerful relief from cold and flu symptoms without a prescription. try theraflu multi-symptom. theraflu dissolves in seconds, so it's ready to work before your first sip, and absorbs quickly to target and attack 8 cold
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major league baseball's post season gets underway tonight, also on the minds of some fans, is the sport getting more dangerous for some people in the stands. >> there have been several high profile incidents of fans being hit by foul balls, including a 2-year-old girl this season. how serious is this problem? is it getting worse? turns out that tracking down that answer wasn't as easy as some might think we have nbc consumer correspondent vicky nguyen here. you did an investigation and it's really interesting what he found. it wasn't easy to track this down >> it's an exciting time, playoff baseball but as we know, this is a sport that is all about numbers and stats, but when we started digging deeper to understand just how often fans are hurt by balls that fly into the stands, the teams didn't want to play ball sod usme tolhey don't keep track of that information, others said it was a privacy issue. the number of foul balls has increased 10% since 2000 now some mlb insiders say the game has just changed. they think more should be done to protect fans.
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just this season, a ball hit into the stands, fracturing the skull of a 2-year-old girl the batter, chicago cubs outfielder, albert al mora, jr., in tears. >> that line drive just got past that netting >> reporter: in dallas, texas rangers outfielder, willie calhoun cracked the foul ball that hit this fan. >> he hit that on a rope, and that hit somebody in the stands. >> i'll never forget it. >> reporter: duane soa knows firsthand what it feels like. >> it just reminds me of the day my life changed. >> reporter: the moment his life changed caught on camera what's it like to see that >> it shows me how little time i had. my hands weren't up in time. my wife said it was the worst noise she heard. all she heard was the crack of my skull. >> reporter: after surgery to repair his skull, duane says he's still dealing with a brain injury, frustrated that major league baseball hasn't extended
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netting to protect fans. how many people are injured, major league baseball has never released numbers, so we did the math ourselves nbc news reached out to all 30 major league teams none of them provided any numbers, so we turned to first aid stations who contract with the teams, asking for their emergency response records four provided data they show 701 reports of injuries from balls going into the stands in addition, when we looked at lawsuits, news reports, and social media dating back to 2012, involving all teams, we found reports of another 107 people hit by balls, a total of at least 808 reports of fan injuries since 2012. most hurt by foul balls but we found a few were even home runs. at the four stadiums where we obtained records, we found 41 fans hurt in oakland, 368 in seattle, miami, 99 since 2012 and in colorado, 193 calls to
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emergency services since 2014. and we mapped it out so you can see exactly where emergency responders reported incidents. section 145 had the most with 11 that's where i am right now, section 145 of coors field, and it's easy to see why emergency crews get so many calls here there's no netting and we're right on top of the action and data compiled by nbc news by the eli as sports bureau reveals the number of foul balls has gone up 10% since 2000 >> pitchers are throwing harder. >> garrett jones remembers when he hit a ball into the stands that struck a young fan. >> it crushes you, it hits you in the heart. >> reporter: he says it's time for the league to step up to the plate and mandate more netting. >> even if i'm watching a game and 105 miles per hour foul ball comes at me and i'm ready for it, there's still a good chance i could miss it. >> reporter: and you were a professional baseball player
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yeah. >> reporter: the chicago white sox was the first team to extend to the foul pole. >> what have you heard from fans since you extended the netting >> we haven't heard complaints, some people say i miss that interaction with the players i can put my hands through the net and put it around a baseball and sign the baseball. >> reporter: declining to be interviewed about whether changes will come to how fans see america's pastime. the phillies told us they are going to extend the netting to the foul poles by next season. some teams taking action. >> some aren't, some are, what's behind the reluctance to extend the netting, is it a big expense? >> it's about the fan experience, some worried about it blocking the view, and not being able to catch the ball a lot of people are saying maybe now that we look at these numbers, it's time to revisit the netting. >> hockey struggled with a
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similar dilemma, pucks were flying into the stands hitting fans and finally the league said you know what, we have to put netting up and they did it and nobody has complained. >> athletes are saying the game has changed, the balls are coming harder and faster. >> when you hear that from actual retired players and people close to the game, we get it, millions of people go to games all the time and don't get hurt but now that you see the numbers and balls are coming into the stands more often, it bears repeating. we have a you can plug in your stadium, see how it compares, the netting and other stadiums of ballparks you might be visiteding. >> thank you. time now a check of the weather, mr. roker. >> we have wet weather to talk about, flash flood watches stretching 1400 miles from texas all the way to wisconsin this is all part of a system that is going to be driving up moisture from the south, and we'll be looking at heavy rain developing especially during this afternoon from the south moving on into t northflash
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flood risk will persist through tonight, stretching from michigan all the way down into the plains, and then tomorrow we'll see another rain event over in the morning hours. we look for heavy rain, 2 to 4 inches of rain through the mid-plains, but that extends into the upper midwest, locally we could see 5 inches or more from iowa on into saginaw, michigan that's w good morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. it is a chilly start to the day. feels like winter outside. but as we go into the afternoon, we will be warming up and it will be a nice one, mostly sunny skies. san jose reaching 72 degrees. we'll see highs in antioch reaching 75 with oakland reaching the upper 60s. in cloearlake a high of 72. san francisco in the mid-60s. going through the forecast we're about to warm up and by the weekend back to upper with upper 80s in the inland valleys. and that's your latest weather, guys. >> al, thank you
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look who's here. >> we have a lot more to get to on this tuesday, including pop start, fear not, pop start is on the way. plus meghan markle's surprise stop overnight on the royal tour of africa. we'll get to that right after this t of fight for piggyback rides fight for 7 am makeouts. every year, walgreens helps millions of people fight the flu. fight to protect the ones you love. walgreens. be a flu fighter. get your free flu shot today at your neighborhood walgreens. performance comes in lots of flavors. ♪ (dramatic orchestra) there's the amped-up, over-tuned, feeding-frenzy-of sheet-metal-kind.
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7:49 am
you got this. he'd die of lung cancer. (susan n) leonard was afraid he never thought it would be copd. you always think you have more time than you do. and you really don't. (announcer) you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. (door bell rings) it's ohey. this is amazing. with moderate to severe ulcerative colitis, are you okay? even when i was there, i never knew when my symptoms would keep us apart. so i talked to my doctor about humira. i learned humira can help get, and keep uc under control when other medications haven't worked well enough. and it helps people achieve control that lasts. so you can experience few or no symptoms. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis.
7:50 am
serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic r, d new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. be there for you, and them. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, control is possible. >> prince harry and meghan markle wrapping up their tour of africa and one of its final days including, shall we say, a few surprises. nbc's kelly cobiella is keeping tabs on that epic journey, what's the word. >> the instagram feed as well, it's the only way to keep track of these guys sometimes. good morning, guys, this is the
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6th day the duke and duchess have spent apart on this tour, but both hard at work this morning highlighting some of their favorite causes. a big welcome for duchess meghan in johannesburg, south africa, at a university supporting education for women. while in malawi, prince harry on the final leg of his trip, visiting a house center. the couple's ten-day tour of africa, full of surprises. meghan spotted with baby archie flying to johannesburg over the weekend, spending time with young artists monday, getting hugs and a custom pair of jeans for archie the royal couple apart but still staying connected. meghan appearing via skype at a school event harry was attending. >> i wish i could be with you. we're here in south africa right now. archie is taking a nap i'm with you in spirit
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>> harry, pushing his conservation agenda, taking over "national geographic's" instagram feed, sharing this photo with the hash tag looking up to promote vaisaving the wors forests. >> there are so many problems and a vast majority of them, not all of them, but a vast majority of them, the root cause is what we're doing for climate. >> reporter: last week, a poignant moment when harry retraced his mother princess diana's steps, meeting a land mine victim, diana met 20 years ago. >> walking in her foot steps is emotional for me but i think as much as she did then, there's still so much to do without question, if she hasn't campaigned the way she did 22 years ago, this could arguably still be a mine field. >> reporter: the prince sharing his passion for africa with wife meghan, it's where they fell in love on a romantic safari, and now on their first overseas tour as a family of three and the family will be reunited
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tonight in johannesburg, a full day of events tomorrow before all three fly back to london tomorrow night guys >> kelly cobiella, thank you. a little extra energy in the studio, lin-manuel is here his hamilton costar christopher jackson is about to join him too. he's wearing t-shirt eventually. what? that you went someplace worth going. or have opinions. but if it's on there, it has to mean something. so we make sure this means something. that we've done everything - to make your shopping, test-driving and car-buying experience the way it should be. carmax. (mom, whispering) shh, shh, shhh... thank you! (associate, whispering) hey, you're all set. (mom, shouting) really? bamwhat!? (dog) whining noise. (mom, whispering) that was so easy... (associate) bamwhat!? (mom) bamwhat? that's not even a word...
7:54 am
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7:55 am
but since they bought their new house... which menu am i looking at here? start with "ta-paz." -oh, it's tapas. -tapas. get out of town. it's like eating dinner with your parents. sandra, are you in school? yes, i'm in art school. oh, wow. so have you thought about how you're gonna make money? at least we're learning some new things. we bundled our home and auto with progressive, saved a bunch. oh, we got a wobbler. progressive can't protect you from becoming your parents, but we can protect your home and auto when you bundle with us. that's what the extra menu's for. when you bundle with us. pain happens. saturdays happen. aleve it. aleve is proven better on pain than tylenol. when pain happens, aleve it. all day strong. forget injections and look up to 5 years younger in 12 weeks with no7 laboratories line correcting booster serum. it works so well 76% of women said injections can wait. line correcting booster serum from no7.
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exclusively at these retailers. good tuesday morning. right now at 7:56, and we're starting out with clear skies. we're going to see a lot of sunshine throughout the day and after this cool start, a nice afternoon reaching up to 72 in san jose. 74 the high in morgan hill and in palo alto expect a high of 73 degrees with some mid-70s for much of the north bay. san francisco stays in the mid-60s. going over the next several days, we're in for a warmup, and it's going to feel more like summer by the end of the week into the weekend. we'll also have the concern of a high fire danger going into the weekend especially for the inland hills as temperatures heat up to near 90 degrees and a breezy offshore wind. for san francisco, we're looking at highs up to about 63 today. some low 70s by friday and then some mid-70s in time for the weekend. let's head over to mike for
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an update on the commute. >> a tough morning for 101 on the peninsula. we'll zoom over here, southbound 101 just starting to see some improvement. i think they may have cleared up the crash south 101 at holly. we had one lane blocked for quite some time. el camino bears some of the traffic as an alternate. northbound side jammed up because of a motorcycle crash on the northbound side approaching the same area of redwood city off the san mateo bridge. highway 4 slow through pittsburg but better through concord. an about-face for san francisco's juul, which now apparently plans to stop the looming ban on the sale of vaping products. the company spent big bucks to support a ballot measure halting the ban before it takes effect next year. go to our home page and link to the back story. bate is reportedly considering a new plan to create a second trans bay tunnel that would take years to build. the big question how to cover the $100 billion price tag.
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we'll have more local news coming up in 30 minutes.
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it's 8:00 ontoday." coming up, on the attack, president trump calling out the whistle-blower at the center of the impeachment investigation. >> we're trying to find out about a whistle-blower. >> while some of his top aides face new questions about what they knew. we're live with the latest. plus, packing a punch. we are kicking off breast cancer awareness month with a group of incredible survivors who are fighting back against the disease. >> we are bonded by cancer but we are not confined by cancer. and star studded studio 1a, oscar winner rami malek will be here to talk about the final season of his hit show "mr. robot." >>e'llatch up with
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tony winner, lin-manuel miranda as he prepares to shake things up on broadway, today, tuesday, october 1st, 2019. >> we wear pink for our friend >> today is all about pink power. 3/6/13, is 16 years breast cancer survivor. >> and that is what we call a celebration. welcome back to "today" on this tuesday morning. >> start of a new month, not just any month, it's october we're going to make it an october to remember. >> we're going to bring you inspirational stories of pink power, going to lift you up. we're kicking off breast cancer awareness month. >> i think anyone will find inspiration in the stories of the ladies you see right there,
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and hoda you're going to share more of your own journey which is also really inspiring >> i get to share a lot with the ladies outside, and what you realize is sometimes you can get through the cancer battle and then your life starts, you get to have children, you get the job you want like i don't think that's not the end point for a lot of people need to realize, maybe that could be the beginning. >> you are certainly living proof of that. also tomorrow we're going to sit down for a rare interview with the head of instagram. he will tell us about the changes, big changes you will soon notice in your instagram feed so we have a lot to get to this morning, let's start with the news at 8:00 the president ramping up the pressure this morning on that anonymous whistle-blower whose complaint launched the impeachment investigation, and in the meantime house democrats have subpoenaed the president's personal attorney, rudy giuliani peter alexander has the latest on all of these moving strands peter, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, another full plate as we head into this day. the president is escalating those attacks on the
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whistle-blower, this anonymous intelligence official who sounded the alarm about president trump's july call with ukraine's president. >> we're trying to find out about a whistle-blower we have a whistle-blower that reports things that were incorrect. >> reporter: this morning, the spotlight is also focused on three people close to president trump, rudy giuliani, the president's personal lawyer, overnight telling nbc news that he has not decided whether to comply with the subpoena from the house intelligence committee, demanding documents we have also learned that secretary of state mike pompeo was on that call with ukraine's leader at the heart of this impeachment inquiry. and then as it relates to the attorney general william barr who was leading a justice department investigation into the origins of the mueller case, barr, according to a justice department official, requested that president trump ask the prime minister of australia in a recent phone call for help in that inquiry savannah. >> peter alexander at the white house, thank you. an fbi sting operation has led to the arrest of a san
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francisco tour guide who's accused of spying for china. 56-year-old edward peng is a naturalized american citizen the fbi says it used a double agent to make secret swaps with peng in hotels it says peng would leave thousands of dollars in a room, the double agent would arrive later, take the money, and then leave a memory card said to contain classified information the fbi says peng would then deliver the card to intelligence officials in beijing. the death toll from lung problems tied to vaping has risen to at least 15 people nationwide nebraska reported its first vaping death yesterday it was a patient who died several months ago there have now been more than 0 cases of vaping related lung illnesses reported in 46 states, although no single source has been found, the cdc is urging people not to use e-cigarettes that contain the marijuana ingredient thc.
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>> opera star jesse norman is being remembered today as one of history's great spropranos. she died from complications of a 2015 spinal cord injury. she received international fame at a time when leading roles for black opera singers were rare. the metropolitan author called r theonofreatest to sing on their stage she was active in the fight against poverty. she started a school to nurture young talent jessye norman. she was 74 years old >> how about a little boost for us a family's desire to pay it forward is paying big dividends for an ohio hospital when 5-year-old bee widener was a baby, she received a liver transplant at cincinnati children's hospital. that's her on the far right. so bee along with her family and friends opened up a lemonade stand. they raised more than $100 for the transplant research program. her post went viral. people around the country have donated $75,000 to that cause. one little lemonade stand and a little girl named bee.
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coming up, float bike a butterfly, sting like a bee, and fight like a cancer survivor. >> we've got a group of survivors taking the fight against breast cancer right to our plaza. we're celebrating pink power today. but first, these messages. (ernie) rubber duckie! (cookie) what about a broken cookie jar? (burke) again, cookie? (cookie) yeah. me bad. (grover) yoooooow! oh! what about monsters having accidents? i am okay by the way! (burke) depends. did you cause the accident, grover? (grover) cause an accident? maybe... (bert) how do you know all this stuff? (burke) just comes with experience. (all muppets) yup. ♪ we are farmers. ♪ bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum thesi wonder if they're and fluffy, glooking at mespy they're looking at me. eggos this good should be shared. here they better take care of me when i'm older. would you l'eggo your eggo?
8:07 am
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8:08 am
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8:09 am
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8:10 am
we are back now with what's being called a case of social media bullying by the family of a tennessee high school student who took his own life after being outed online. >> they say they want those responsible to be held accountable. nbc correspondent kate snow is here with a sad story. >> it is sad good morning everybody that i've talked with said channing smith was a special 16-year-old. his mom says he definitely would light up the room when he walked in with his smile. last week, classmates outed channing on social media, and within hours, he was gone. >> channing was a human being. >> reporter: mourning and outrage in the small community of manchester, tennessee >> our kids are being bullied. >> reporter: family and friends, gathering last night to remember 16-year-old channing smith, discussing how to make sure nothing like this ever happens again. >> he didn't deserve what he got, and no one does
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no one deserves to be bullied. enough is enough >> reporter: family members say channing took his own life last week after screen shots of sexually explicit text messages he sent to a boy in his high school were shared on social media. channing had not publicly identified as lgbtq. >> they outed him on social media, and he didn't get to tell his story his way. >> reporter: his big brother josh thinks he was humiliated and couldn't face going back to school. >> i want people to remember channing in the way he lived it's going to be hard because it's mostly probably going to be the story of how he died. >> reporter: the teenager had gotten a new job, a new motorcycle, and loved working on cars he was also a gifted musician, playing multiple instruments channing's family hopes the teens who shared the text messages will face consequences. >> social media, that's a new weapon of choice for a lot of these kids, and us as adults we need to be aware of this. >> reporter: friends and supporters of channing are calling on the district attorney
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to do more to investigate what happened pointing out that the da, craig northcot has spoken out against same-sex marriage in the past in a statement, the da says no charging decisions have been made, adding any report that my office has failed or refused to act is inaccurate. >> he was a really kind person that you could always go to if you were feeling down. >> the high school says it brought in counselors, some students we talked with concerned that the school hasn't taken bullying seriously enough. >> there's nothing getting done about it the school is not doing anything about it >> kate, you had mentioned that this study or several studies that show that lgbtq youth are more likely to contemplate suicide, three times. >> three times more likely than other use to contemplate suicide which is just stunning i want to talk about what people can do there's a really great group called the trevor project that works to prevent suicide in that community specifically they suggest a few things, be careful about who you share with on social media. i know that sounds obvious
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they also say try to block negativity by using comment controls available on most platforms, and most important piece of advice for young people is find a trusted adult and that way if something happens if you're outed before you're ready, you have someone you can talk to. maybe it's a parent. maybe it's a friend. and if someone you know needs help, there's a phone number we want to put up it's the trevor lifeline, available 24/7 866-488-7386 or text 678-678 >> we'll put that on the web site. >> somebody to tuft that can give you some perspective. it feels awful right now, but it will be okay. >> you can get past it. >> there's a lot of research on how many people go through things like this and live a full life. >> what's the likelihood those kids behind it get punished. >> i don't know the answer to that the district attorney in his statement said they are still investigating. some people we talked with are concerned that charges may not be filed >> what about the school, though, what about just
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consequences of the school. >> the school, because of the legal action right now or the investigation going on, the school has said they can't comment. we really don't know what the school is thinking we know they have said they brought in additional counselors but as you heard, some of the students think more needs to be done. >> sound like it. >> we should mention actually this is national bullying prevention month we're going to be covering this issue all month long we'll also have a live interview with monica lewinsky she's going to join us to talk about the anti-bullying campaign she has spearheaded on october 16th >> we're going to head over to mr. roker. you've got a check of the weather. >> yes, we do. as we show you what we have happening right now, as soon as we get rid of that, well, you know, it's like bernie said yesterday, you try to change the input, i don't know what i'm doing. so we have the input problem there. we're looking at strong storms from minneapolis all the way down to el paso that's going to be firing up we have all this heat today, st. louis, 90 degrees.
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pittsburgh, 86 wednesday, new york city near 90 degrees. jacksonville, 89 degrees, but then cooler air comes in and so temperatures drop way below average. some 20 degrees below average, for minneapolis to new york, down to nashville so that's the deal for today record highs though in the southeast into the gulf coast. those severe storms with flood watches stretching from the southwest all the way into the great lakes. that's what's going on around good morning, i'm kari hall, a live look at the golden gate bridge. a beautiful start to the day, all clear, and very chilly temperatures as you get ready to head out the door. we're going to reach the upper 60s today. morgan hill expect a high of 74 degrees and 74 in santa rosa. going through the rest of the forecast we will continue to warm up and it will feel more like summer in time for the weekend with upper 80s inland. that's your latest weather time for the best thing of the morning.
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pop start. >> come on, carson >> we start with kelly clarkson. she's been having a lot of fun on her daytime talk show she does kelly-oki somebody picks a random song and she opens up her song. on monday's show, one of the producers decided to choose the song and you can tell from the music you're listening to right now, that choice was lizzo's "juice." let's see how kelly did. >>. ♪ got to blame it on the juice ♪ baby, i'm out here making loose ♪ ♪ put it in the, got to blame i on my juice ♪ ♪ blame it on my juice blame it on my juice ♪ >> hoda-yoki >> you know i'm a mouther. >> fine, though.
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>> that was fun. >> she nailed it as always her talk show is just giving us great cover after cover by kelly. next, eddie murphy making a big comeback this year starting with his new movie, the story of entertainer rudy ray moore he gets a lot of award showbiz murphy jokes that even though not all of his movies have been as well received as "dolemite", he always tries to keep his cool. >> i'm always confident, even if we crash and burn. i have mastered the art of walking away from the train wreck confidently. with my head up. still cool were you in that plane crash yeah, i was. what's next. >> we're all excited for it, during this eddie murphy comeback is a sequel to coming to america some may be worried about making another sequel so many years later, murphy is reassuring
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fans. >> 30 years ago, we wouldn't have done the sequel we wouldn't have done this movie unless we had came up with a clever way to connect the story and live up to, you know, whatever expectations people have for it. >> you have those expectations pretty high for that one he gets this whole comeback tour is acting as a book end to his career and it only makes sense to host snl while he's off the couch. that big snl airs october 21st. on the tonight show, jimmy revealed he and radio host elvis doran have books coming out. elvis's is a biography, jimmy's is a new children's book jimmy discovered the prices of the two books.
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>> elvis' book is $26.99 that's worth it, it's a good hard cover and it's got great stories from elvis >> how much is yours >> oh, boy let's not worry about it >> there's six words >> like nine words on that page. >> it's not that bad his is 26.99 for his life story, and this is -- >> how much is it? >> 22.99. >> there you go. >> it is funny, though >> elvis's book is like a memoir jimmy's has like three words per page. >> it's a children's book, it's a baby book. >> jimmy knows he has like two words in it, hug i love him, though, i read it every night. mama, dada read them all. fourth hour, jimmy will be here on our show next week we look forward to that. a do have a daily click.
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today's click is not a video but an areal estate listing that's gone viral. let's check it out a realtor in lansing, michigan, decided to have ghost face from the "scream" movies pop up in the photos for the home that's seen listed. he's hiding in a closet. he's checking out the kitchen. he's cleaning up outside the realtor's name is james pile, he's the guy in the mask, and he says since he has pulled this stunt off, that the listings have shot through the roof once the screen photos have gone viral. >> that's one way to do it. >> set yourself out from the crowd. >> where did hoda go >> i'm over here >> here she is, and she's not alone either >> check it out. nothing, just an oscar and emmy winner, rami malek is here he stars in the show "mr. robot" back for its fourth and final season he plays a hacker, determined to start a world changing revolution with the help of his alter ego played by christian slater
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take a look. >> you're letting it cloud your judgment >> my feelings, see what's going on out there people are already forgetting about 5/9, the cyber bombings, they're buying their e coin discounted stocking stuffers and christmas hams and they're going to forget, and i don't blame them they're exhausted. i'm exhausted. >> oh, rami malek, good morning. >> good morning. >> i can't believe this, i mean, this little show "mr. robot" started four years ago it was 2015. fast forward to today, a ton of awards, all this critical acclaim. >> yeah. >> it's coming to an end i mean, are you sort of bummed as this wrapgs up? >> of course i am. it has been one of the most extraordinary experiences in my life it's an indelible character that has had an impact on so many people worldwide, and especially the ones sitting right in front of you.
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>> how did this character in this show kind of change the trajectory of your life, do you think? >> well, i've said it before, but, you know, there was a time about six years ago where i never thought i would be playing the leading man in a series, and it ended up coming to fruition with a character that, you know, had a very, very complicated life, a tragic life, and lonely life, alienated and still wanted to do everything he could to save the world, and a part of that kind of resilience has found its way into me. >> has it? >> yeah, i think so. >> i know it changed the way you live your life in other ways you play a hacker on this show, and i mean, people always hear like, oh, everyone can hear you, they're listening on your
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computer have you literally changed the way you live your life when it comes to those kinds of things >> yeah, i mean, i love a certain amount of anonymity with my life. i try to protect that as much as possible, and perhaps, you know, i might go overboard by taping up every screen. >> do you tape them up >> yeah, i try to use land lines as much as possible, pay phones. >> because they may be listening. >> i'm as concerned as anybody else these days. >> congrats on the final season of this, i hear it's incredible, but i can't help remembering the last time you were here, you sat here with me, and it was you and the cast of bohemian rhapsody, and i remember you were saying, i hope they like it, like i hope they like it >> yes. >> look at us sitting here today. >> look at us now. >> look at you with your oscar i know you have sat with this for a while, but how did that role kind of change the way your
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career and life has gone >> well, i mean, to go from elliot who is, you know, someone who has a very hard time stepping out in the world, and playing freddie who can get up on stage, and move thousands, if not millions was a leap, and it was nice to play two different people who were just -- one was an extreme extrovert and inelectrovert. at the same time, they both shared this loneliness, and i think it's something that i think everyone could sympathize and empathize with, and those are characters i look for, very very complicated characters and to have that award has been just an extraordinary experience, one that i think about every day of my life. >> i bet you do. i remember you did all your thank yous you thanked your mom, who i was thinking i know you were both from egypt i can only imagine how she was exploding, and you thanked your girl, and every time i see a picture of you two, which isn't
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often, you and lucy, you are so cute together. is life going well with her? >> life is going well with mom, life is well with lucy all is well. >> you win an oscar. you have this great role you're kind of wrapping up your television show. when you're looking for the next thing, how high is the bar now i know that you've got a james bond gig that's coming up, that's pretty great. >> yeah, it's extraordinary, one door keeps opening up the next and the next, and you think you're going to hit a wall one day, but things seem to be going my way it's very fortunate. i like to think that i work pretty hard and to see it rewarded is a phenomenal experience bond was extraordinary daniel craig was terrific. i got to work with phoebe wallenberg who did some of the writing. the world is just -- >> rami, it's going your way. >> the sky is the limit. >> you seem to be doing things right. we appreciate you coming congrats on the last season of
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"mr. robot" and congrats on everything come back when you win your next award. >> i will be back. i don't know about the next 8:26 right now, could a second crossing be coming for the sub way. how are they going to pay for it? it shows where a second crossing might go in relation to the redline tube now sits. the green line might also have a crossing for the train. they are talking about raising $100 billion every several decades. want to check the roads right now to see how things are crossing around there. >> yeah, i hope they get parking lots to go along with the additional trains.
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it was a ploarking lot here. the northbound 101, going up just north they have a crash at woodside. that will mean slowing off of the dumbarton bridge. it cleared about 20 minutes ago. a good recovery back to your normal commute. the south bay still slow and pushing toward the rest of the silicon valley. getting toward the bay bridge no real problems, just the build, of course, walnut creek, ohland, and down berkeley.
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we are back now on this very special tuesday morning the first day of october 2019, and it is breast cancer awareness nth. we have turned this plaza pink to mark the occasion to celebrate survivors, and we've also some new things >> al roker's, they're responsible for al's look, and they are also the official partner of the national breast cancer foundation. so we appreciate their effort. >> that's rit. for every frame they sell, they're going to donate a frame to a woman going through breast cancer
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>> how about a special pink power crowd moment >> would you like a crowd moment. >> yes, i have to get outside for one second. >> thank you >> all right so our crowd moment is over here this young lady's name is talia. how are you? this is a big day for a lot of women on this plaza, but it's a big, big day for you what does today mark for you >> today i am six years cancer free >> six years cancer free so for our crowd moment, you all, let's all box six punches, are you all ready with me. on three hold on. here we go ready? one, two, three, four, five, six. yes. >> love you. >> i love you. >> six years, baby doesn't that feel good i love it. we have so many inspirational pink power stories on our plaza, including some of hoda's own
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reflections on her own battle with the illness a few years back we're looking forward to it. >> you have quite a little right cross, by the way. you have punched before. >> and your shoe is untied, be careful. and we're also going to keep the pink power celebration going on in our third hour with actress and model lelizabeth h r hurley, she's going to join us it's a cause that's very personal for her she has dedicated really much of her life to raising awareness and money for breast cancer research so we're looking forward to talking to elizabeth hurley in our third hour >> let's not forget lin-manuel miranda and christopher jackson are here, they're going to talk about their broadway show, doing a little free style rap. well, they are >> we would pay good money for that. >> let's get a check of our weather. let's take a look and see what we've got first, record highs throughout southeast, mid atlantic states, we've got flood watches stretching in the great lakes all the way down to the southwest. sunshine out west and then for tomorrow, record highs move into
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the mid-atlantic and northeast we've also got strong storms in the mid-mississippi river valley plenty of sunshine through the gu good tuesday morning, i'm kari hall, we're starting out with sunshine and chilly temperatures and we will have a nice afternoon. still staying cooler than normal. in clear lake we'll see a high of 72 degrees with san francisco reaching into the mid 60s. oakland reaching 69 and livermore will see a high of 74. up to 88 degrees by this sunday and also warming up along the coast. you guys look very good in the glasses. >> you started something. >> we try. we're so excited for all these women out here punching away we like that let's get back inside to mr. daly. i got lin-manuel miranda,
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christopher jackson here, if you loved them in "hamilton," wait until you see what they're up to now on broadway. you have been all over the world with this, we're going to talk about free style love coming up in just a little bit and plus get a little taste of how this improv rap thing plays out. first, this is "today" on nbc. out. first, this is "today" on nbc.
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skyride. mini golf. relax! relax! relax! you take this man to be your husband? i do. married. no time for basketball. pool. carnival. choose fun. welcome back. lin-manuel miranda and some of his talented friends created free style rap in the basement of a book shop on 40th street. >> they took their show to a successful off broadway run. now more than 15 years later, the hip-hop improv group why are you laughing has taken over broadway's famous booth theater. the show is called free style love lin-manuel miranda, christopher jackson, founding members. they'll be performers. here you go on broadway, this is
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not a show like anyone has seen before. >> and like anyone will see again because it's a completely different show every night we started doing this in the basement of the drama book shop where tommy, kale and anthony painted the walls black and said we're a theater now. >> how did it start, anthony said he worked at the book shop, and you uld come in because you were down below working on stuff. >> i was working in the heights, where i met chris when he awe tigsed for benny anthony would come in and distract us about the work we were doing, let's rap about our day, and he pushed us to do it in front of people it's our longest running tour, melbourne, the fact that we have been doing this for 15 years, to move five blocks from 40th to 45th street is incredible. >> what's fun about the show is, as you said, it's not ever the
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same show twice because you use the audience participation so are you ever -- like what happens when you're stumped? i know you have quick brains, but do you ever get a story or something and what am i going to rap about this >> i tell people it's like listening to a jazz musician, you don't know when a jazz musician plays a bad note. he's playing a note. it's like a jazz, you know, ensemble, words rhyme, you know, current events change, the secret about our show is that the audience is the show the audience, you will hear the things come out of their mouth that you never imagined, and so we have as much fun as they do >> who started it, who's in it, it's been 15 years in the making. >> we roll deeper than woo tang at this point. we also have the freestyle academy. we've been teaching workshops on the things we do one of our newest members, anisa bowles was in the workshop and is making her broadway debut we have been looking for people
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with people power, and it's just been growing and growing we rotate every night in terms of who's going to be on the stage. >> sometimes you'll show up and we won't know if you're there. >> you'll get an amazing show every night because you're there and it's going to be your day and your suggestions and it's wild. >> did i read that your met your wife va netta, this was your first date you took her to one of these shows? >> we outlasted most of the venues we played and we played this place, mo pickins. >> it no longer exists. >> my wife, she wasn't my wife then, she was a woman i went to high school with she came and brought her friends to the show and invited me to get ice cream because she had a friend who worked at an ice cream place six blocks up. he was like, you coming to drinks and i was like no, they invited me to get ice cream. >> we're at the other end of the room, we're all like. >> and he looked at me like you're not ready for all that. you're not ready she's a keeper, and i'm like,
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ready or not, i'm going to get ice cream. >> we're going to get a demo we'll bring shock wave out in a second and do beat box for people at home, nothing is planned. there's no plant in the audience we'll do a demonstration, and throw out ww out rds, brain is going to immediately start composing. >> you're going to give us the word, we'll make up a song for you tonight. >> a noun or a verb. >> tonight, 7:00 a.m. >> but you're a morning person. >> shock wave, come on in here that's your beat boxer >> shock came to a show. and you were like you need a beat boxer, and he's been in it ever since >> shock wave showed up and never left >> how about conjugate. >> wow >> is that a good one? >> hitting them hard. ♪ kon >> conjugate putting things together usually verbs, i don't know grammar wasn't my strong suit but we did a show now you got to act like you know,
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got to act like you know what you're doing, so i'm going to pass it on to you, before i ruin any good impression we make, keep going son >> free styling and i'm here with savannah, dressed in pink like hannah montana, free style all day every day, causing daily on the daily, baby on the way. al roek y -- al roker with the goatee didn't know he was trying to look like me. but i'm feeling so great, i change up all these verbs as we conjugate. >> you got to ship chip like a morning show, stories come and they go, you got to be flex it's not always what you see, coming up next, you got to think on your feet, so don't be slow, keep it real quick don't be afraid, you got to stay on the stick. you can't get every single word but when you get stuck you pass it to the other genius >> conjugate. >> that's great. wow. that is unbelievable >> i stand up for that one very well done thank you so much, shock wave,
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thank you. lin, chris, free style love supreme. it's on broadway now. >> don't let savannah into the show, she says going to throw out words like conjugate >> you guys are incredible thank you so much. we'll send it outside to hoda. >> you guys have the whole plaza out here dancing coming up next, the inspirational moment with these breast cancer survivors. first, this is "today" on nbc. ee
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i don't care where you're from, we're all just people. we want people to feel like they spent time with family. we want to create a place for more than just ourselves. we create the things that we want to exist in the world. ♪ my doors are always open. ♪ we are back with our pink power, dedicated to breast cancer awareness, this morning, you all, we are punching out cancer on the plaza. we are inspired by an helping survivors come back from cancer stronger than before.
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>> for this brave group of women, stepping into the boxing ring is no hard feat because they've already faced the biggest fight of their lives. >> i am a 2-year breast cancer survivor. >> i'm an 11-year breast cancer survivor. >> i am a 14-year breast cancer survivor >> held at gotham gym in long island, new york, fight mode is a boxing class for breast cancer survivors. >> hit like you mean it. >> but they're fighting for more than just fitness, finding power in the punch, and confidence in the challenge. >> susie rhoden leads the coalition for women's cancers at stony brook south hampton hospital and founded the class last year. she made it her life's mission to empower women ever since she was diagnosed with breast cancer 30 years ago >> those days you didn't even say cancer, you said the c word. people didn't even talk about
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breast cancer. it was something that you were ashamed of, embarrassed of i had just bought a new house and thought, holy mackerel, how do i tell my family. i was single i didn't think any man could fall in love with me if i didn't have a breast. >> it was like your whole life in one instant changed. >> i said it's cancer but we do not tell anyone. >> you didn't tell a soul. >> i didn't want anybody to be sad. i didn't want anybody to look at me differently >> that's a heavy burden >> it's a heavy, heavy burden. >> i remember when i was diagnosed, you're going to fight it, fight it, fight it but i remember thinking what am i really doing i'm not fighting it. i am going to my doctor, praying my doctor is qualified and i'm hoping and praying that they can get this out of me but sometimes i felt powerless. >> exactly and that's what's boxing is doing for us not only are we pretty in pink, but we're powerful in pink
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every single one of us feels when we step into that ring, we're powerful i put my hands up like this, and it's just like wow, i can beat anything i am in control. and i am fierce. >> not just fierce, but first timers the boxing ring was brand new territory for every class member. >> i just never thought i could do something like this i never thought i was going to get back into some kind of physical shape and the strength i have received from boxing is not just physical, it's emotional strength it's mental strength >> ever since i started boxing, it has just transformed me completely, being with a wonderful group of women, you get energy and support from them that's hard to duplicate anywhere else. >> it's a sisterhood of survivors and thrivers
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>> we are bonded by cancer, but we are not defined by cancer we laugh, we sometimes go out for a drink afterwards we're there for each other we might be exercising, breathing heavily, but we're reaching out to each other >> i am strong, powerful >> not one of these women feel alone. >> i'm courageous, fierce, a warrior. >> i know cancer changes you, obviously, it makes you realize that your life has margins, you don't waste time as much, and you realize what you do have cancer shapes you, but it doesn't define you. >> exactly i'm not breast cancer. i'm susan rhoden who happened to have breast cancer and made the best out of it boxing like life knocks you down what's your choice, either get up and try again or give up. and what i'm trying to do is teach ladies not to give up. >> susie is with us. >> yay
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>> it's so powerful, you put these boxing gloves on and you feel powerful. you have watched people's lives transform. tell us what that feels like to witness that >> we have about 15 ladies here that have been boxing for six, seven months, thanks to claire prince, our teacher, who tells us that we can do anything and when you put these gloves on, you really think you can do anything you learn to believe in yourself and that's what it's all about. >> it's true, it does things for your insides, the minute you put them on. >> exactly >> we love you and we love everything you did. coming up, we're going to have more voices in the fight against breast cancer as we celebrate pink power today but first, this is "today" on nbc. ♪ let's get down to business. the business of atlanta on monday... ... cincinnati on tuesday. ...philly on wednesday.
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...and thursday back to cincinnati . modernized comfort inns and suites have been refreshed because when your business keeps going, our business is you. get the lowest price guaranteed on all choice hotels when you book direct at
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pretty fun, incredible morning all of us are here we have our pink boxing gloves on
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we have one thing in common, all survivors, we fight not today, but every day, and here are some of the reasons why >> i fight because i'm brave >> i fight because i'm resilient. >> i fight to feel powerful. >> i fight to feel invincible. >> i fight for my loved ones >> i fight for those who never left my side on my darkest days. >> i fight because i'm stronger now than i ever was before >> i fight to prove i am not a victim. >> i fight to prove that cancer does not define me >> i fight to take back control of my body >> i fight to remind myself that my scars are only skin deep. >> i fight for a second chance >> i fight to keep moving forward. >> i fight for a promising
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future >> i fight because i'm living each day to it fullest >> i fight because i will never give up hope >> i fight because i'm not a quitter. >> i fight. >> i fight. >> i fight. >> and together we will win. >> beautiful i fight, ladies. all here today we have a lot of wonderfully strong, incredible women we actually have a young lady right here, this is kari burns sister, one of our producers what do you fight for, meghan? >> i fight for the power of positivity i think going through this, you need to be as positive as you can possibly be. it's a great key to success, i feel, i really do. >> do you believe that too >> absolutely. absolutely you have to have a huge sense of this positivity and that you know that nothing is going to beat this but you.
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you and god of course. >> and you've got a whole sisterhood of survivors and fighters, and that's got to lift your heart i can only imagine. >> and you guys were talking, too, that you fight because of your loved ones. how many of you have children? tell me how they helped you through this. >> they were my support when i was weak, they helped me be strong i could lean on them, tell them what i was feeling, what i was going through. they really supported me. >> sometimes it's hard for women to say we need help. we're like we got this, we got this, we got this, but it's important to let them know >> absolutely. it's not a secret. let the world know let people know. it's like a broken leg tell someone you have a broken leg, you have cancer and you can get the help you need. >> hoda you told me such a beautiful story about someone at nbc, one of your bosses and what he said to you, when you came in and told him you were sick, and he said something that i think was so profound. >> i was scared to talk to him, and i said i have breast cancer, it was david, my boss, and he said hoda, i know a lot of people with breast cancer, and
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they all have one thing in common and i said, well, what's that? he said, they're still here. >> that is beautiful. >> i hope everyone feels the love this morning, and if you're watching at home, you're impacted, we hope you feel the love too we want to thank ever last for teaming up and providing all the boxing equipment on the plaza, they're campaign shines a light on the fighting spirit as you feel it here of women battling breast cancer. we have watched it all morning long. >> and we are going to continue this discussion on our third hour, and of course online, so share your story and tell us why you fight, using #ifighttoday. >> you guys have given us so much inspiration i think everybody can learn a lesson from that and take inspiration from you thank you for being here we're back with a lot more on a tuesday morning after a check of your local news, your weather and these messages
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a very good morning to you, it is 8:56. i'm laura garcia. a ban on juul products has gone up in smoke. san francisco's juul has been filing millions into the yes on
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c effort. juul's new ceo says they plan to back off of the tv campaign saying their ads and mailer wills stop in a matter of days >> happening now, we're talking with people on both sides of the issue. we'll have the latest in a live report at midday. and more backstories right now at the top of our home page. and a plan to create a second transbay tunnel. go to our twitter feed right now for more details. house democrats have now subpnaed the president's personal lawyerou giuliani.
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a lack of affordable housing. >> a growing problem and now one group is looking for change. >> the oakland a's are gearing up. join us from 4:30 to 7:00 a.m. today on "california live."
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live with the blue man group and a legendary tv star's real life sex trafficking horror story. all happening on california live. this morning on nbc bay area. oka public health crisis." other news outlets report- juul took $12.8 billion from big tobacco. markets e-cigarettes with kid friendly flavors and uses nicotine to addict them. 5 million kids use e-cigarettes. juul is "following big tobacco's playbook." and now, juul is pushing prop c to overturn e-cigarette protections. vote no on juul. no on big tobacco. no on prop c. ["white rabbit" by ♪ one pill makes you larger ♪ and one pill makes you smaller ♪ ♪ and the ones that mother gives you ♪ ♪ don't do anything at all ♪ remember what the dormouse said ♪
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welcome aboard. ♪ feed your head live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza, this is the 3rd hour of "today." >> good morning, everyone, welcome to the 3rd hour of "today," i'm sheinelle, here withal, craig, who's doing his 3rd hour takeover. >> our instagram. >> my instagram takeover. >> @3rd hour today so follow us. >> by the way, i just want you to know yesterday the al roker takeover kind of doubled the >>s that true? >> every minute, every second. >> that's what the takeover is about. >> i'm surprised you stopped after the morning meeting, i thought you would continue through dinner time. >> i had to get my pho o


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